Manual Determination of Shade R-Values

Alan S. Hoback, Morgan Hunter

University of Detroit Mercy Report, Dept. of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engr., vol. 2022(6), 2022/6/15, pp. 1-10.


The purpose of this experiment was to find a way to manually determine the unknown R-value of any shade. In heating seasons, shades can decrease the heat loss through a window system. In cooling seasons, a shade can keep unwanted solar heat from entering a space. The temperatures of the outside air, outside side of glass, interior side of glass, outside facing side of shade, inside facing side of shade, and the interior temperature were measured. Using these temperatures and the known R-value of a pane of glass, the rate of heat flow could be calculated and therefore the R-value of the shade could be found. Unfortunately, the experiment did not produce reliable results. General patterns could be observed though.

Link to full paper.


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